As an archaeologist I have a keen eye for what is needed for graphics in publications. My MA thesis focused on stone tool technologies and specifically on wear traces, so I have substantial experience illustrating stone tool artifacts. I am also experienced at illustrating historic glass, ceramics, faunal materials, and so forth. Branching away from archaeology, I have experience illustrating many other subject materials ranging from the human body and its organs to dinosaurs. The style of illustration can take many different forms, all depending on what you are trying to convey with the illustration. For example, I can render your illustration in ink, pencil, stippled shading, water color, and so on and so forth.
If you are interested in commissioning me for any scientific illustrations, please let me know if you are a student or academic who will be using this for publication. If this is the case I will be more than happy to create your illustrations for only a small fee as I know how minuscule academic and student budgets can be!
Below are some examples of scientific illustrations I have done. Two of these were drawn for my thesis, which is entitled
A particular type of cobble spall tool from the Canadian Plains (follow link to view /download thesis).
Cobble tool illustrated for my thesis. Pen, stippled. |
Cobble tool illustrated for my thesis. Pen, stippled. |
Historic glass bottle fragment illustrated for K. Sullivan's thesis. Pen, stippled. |
Historic ceramic plate fragment. Watercolor. |
Historic ceramic plate fragment, illustrated for D. Gibson's thesis. Pencil. |